“May I ask? Who do you know that is going to be selling, buying or investing in real estate in the near future?”
If yes, get info.
If no, continue—“Anyone at work? Anyone in the neighborhood?”
“Thank you for thinking about that.”
(no matter what the response)
“Let me ask you an honest question - would you feel comfortable referring someone to me as a real estate agent?”
“Statistically, we know that you will run into four to six people (like friends, neighbors, coworkers) buying or selling a home in the upcoming year.” Would you send them my way? And, I know this isn’t going to be the main thing on your mind, so would you mind if I called you every 2–3 months or so to remind you?”
“Who do you know that is having trouble selling their home?”
“And by the way, have you considered buying investment property?”
“Lastly, when you hear of someone who is thinking of selling, buying, or investing in real estate, I would ask that you please give me a call with their name and number and we will take it from there. Will that work for you?”
“In advance, I would like to thank you for your support … again, it is very much appreciated! Make it a profitable day!” (Blessed, etc.)
Hi Tony
I am asking my mets if they know anyone living in an apartment at this time. Between seller contributions and REO's buyers might be able to get in with NO MOneyDown (for awhile).
See you in Austin, soon
Danette Earnest
Thanks for the script! I used the "who do you know who is having trouble selling their home?" question the other day. They are putting me in touch with a million dollar lakefront referral.
Austin, TX
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