Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Mindset Tips

•“As if” letter (see below for an example and write your own!)
•Dream book
•The Millionaire Real Estate Agent (MREA)


December 31, 2008

Dear __________:

I am just putting the finishing touches on 2008 and wanted to update you and also thank you for all that has transpired this year.

It was a great year of travel starting with a family reunion, then Costa Rica for a week with the family in early March, and a weekend in Mexico with the boys in April. In late April we took my mom and the kids to Clearwater again for 10 days and had a great time on the beach. Korey and I were then in Tuscany for 10 days for my sister’s 40th birthday with four other couples and had a blast. We flew first class in style and the villa a friend of ours rented for us was incredible. We finished the year at MegaAgent Camp and Masterminds and a quick jaunt to Vegas for six days.

Some other great things have transpired. Korey’s business is doing great and she is only working about three days a week. The boys are excelling in school, football and music and Rebecca in gymnastics. She has matured so much.

I spent a few days at a Porsche driving school and I continue to enjoy the new Boxster, even doing a bit of racing on the track in our area. Also, Korey loves the new Mercedes R that I got her for our anniversary.

We were able to complete more work on the house with the new upstairs addition. The ensuite is spectacular and the finished basement really completes our house. Not to mention the new gym, which motivates me to get up for my morning workout and has me in the best shape ever.

We accomplished our goal of 135 sales this year thanks to our team focus on listings. The $765,000 gross income allowed for many of the things mentioned above. Our assistant Theresa is now licensed and will be working as a buyer agent so we have interviewed to fill her position.

A great deal of what has transpired this year is in large part thanks to you. Your coaching, encouragement and accountability have helped us reach new heights and expand our belief in what we can accomplish. Thank you for all you have done and best wishes in the coming year for you and your family.


Successful Agent


Unknown said...

I love the "as if" letter because it requires you to dream! Dreaming up your goals is much more powerful than writing a number down on paper. You give yourself a vision of what you can have, if you commit. I plan on sharing this with all the Agents at Madison West. Thanks!

rajni said...
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